Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What 1 Peter 3:1-6 Does Not Look Like

My wife pointed out a story in the Peterborough This Week newspaper from a few days ago to me, Why every woman deserves to Be a Goddess. It's about a United Way fundraiser called "Be a Goddess Night". Essentially, the women who attend this event pay to dress up fancy, be waited on, lust after men who are not their husbands, and feel justified in doing so. From the article:

...we deserve it. We work hard, whether we have jobs outside the home or if we stay home with our families. We budget and clean and do laundry, and make sure our spouses, kids and pets have what they need when they need it. Mostly, we put everyone else first. And that's the real reason we should have a night out to just have fun.

Do women work hard? Certainly they do. To the shame of my gender, many wives work much harder than their husbands in and out of the home. However there are two points of emphasis to consider in this article:

  1. "Mostly, we put everyone else first". Well, no you don't and neither do I. We are selfish and self-centered creatures. Even in our best efforts, we are unable by ourselves to perform selfless acts. What may seem to everyone else to be an honourable, selfless, commendable action comes from the diseased root of sin and a bad tree does not bear good fruit (Luke 6:43-45). As Christians, those who have had our heart of stone removed and replaced with a heart of flesh, we should zealously pursue good works because of He "who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession" Titus 2:14
  2. "...we deserve it...". Compare the author's attitude about her chores in the home (in the portion above and elsewhere in the article) and the fact that she (and other women) deserve a break from her duties to the attitude of 1 Peter 3:1-6 and especially Proverbs 31:10-31.

How should men and women fulfill their God-ordained duties? Not begrudgingly with one eye towards a night free from responsibility as a reward, but with delight in God's precepts and love for God Himself, the divine law-giver. 


Jerry said...

...and he calls us to be servant kings. Heavy stuff Paul, but you caught the heart of it.

It's that gender thing again!

Remind me to lend you a book about some of this stuff, you'll like.

Paul Lawton said...

i would like.
who is the author? i think luke dent may have reccomended the same book you're thinking of to me. he never offered to lend it to me though...

Jerry said...

Four Pillars of a Man's Heart by Stu Weber

My hardcover copy is lent out, but Todd's copy that I got him for Christmas and he doesn't have yet is not lent out yet! (mwahahah)

Anonymous said...

dude man! i think i did offer to let you read the book, but i will ofer it again to you!!!