Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Blog Manifesto

Well first of all, after reading numerous definitions for the word manifesto, I'm still not sure that I have used it correctly.
Nevertheless, what I want to do is lay out for myself and for any readers who might visit here why I have decided to blog.

I find that my studies of God's Word are much more profitable when I write down what I am thinking at the time. Not only because I am able to go back to what I have written later on and reflect on it, but also because it aids me greatly in being able to sustain a particular thought. I found this to be so after hearing an exhortation (to pastors specifically) from John Piper in his short biography of Jonathan Edwards The Pastor as Theologian to do just that, to read with pen in hand.

I hope to also share thoughts from books I read and from experiences that I have and that in some way, some of it, any of it might be beneficial to folks who visit this blog.

I hope that in purposeful thinking and writing I can better conform to Philippians 4:8:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (ESV)


Jerry said...

Welcome to Blogger, Paul.

It's always a pleasure to hang out with you, and I think you're going to enjoy the little community we have going here.

Also, I've added you to the links on my blog, so you WILL be getting traffic! Watch out!

Looking forward to your posts,

Paul Lawton said...

hey thanks jerry!
now the pressure for good material is on! :)

Jerry said...

Don't let me down, Paul! I know you won't. See ya tomorrow. :)

Todd said...

Hey brother. Have fun blogging away. Charles Draper is the teacher, and it sure is interesting. Sometimes it is difficult to stay awake because it is basically a lecture from 9-4 with a break here and there. I'll tell you more in a while.
