Thursday, February 1, 2007

Bible Readers

Well it seems like all I have been posting for a while is just material from other websites, and today is another such day. I will endeavor to write some of my own material in the near future, but for now read this excerpt of a sermon delivered by Charles Spurgeon that I found over at the Pyromaniacs.

If this be the Word of God, what will become of some of you who have not read it for the last month? "Month, sir! I have not read it for this year." Ay, there are some of you who have not read it at all. Most people treat the Bible very politely. They have a small pocket volume, neatly bound; they put a white pocket-handkerchief round it and carry it to their places of worship; when they get home, they lay it up in a drawer till next Sunday morning; then it comes out again for a little bit of a treat, and goes to chapel; that is all the poor Bible gets in the way of an airing. That is your style of entertaining this heavenly messenger. There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write "damnation" with your fingers. There are some of you who have not turned over your Bibles for a long, long while, and what think you? I tell you blunt words, but true words. What will God say at last? When you shall come before him, he shall say, "Did you read my Bible?" "No." "I wrote you a letter of mercy; did you read it?" "No." "Rebel! I have sent thee a letter inviting thee to me; didst thou ever read it?" "Lord, I never broke the seal; I kept it shut up." "Wretch!" says God, "then, thou deservest hell, I sent thee a loving epistle, and thou wouldst not even break the seal; what shall I do unto thee?"

Oh, let it not be so with you. Be Bible-readers; be Bible-searchers.


Jerry said...

Anxiously awaiting your own thoughts.


Jerry said...

Still waiting! I know you've got lots to say Paul... you can't be that busy, can you? :)

Make sure you set up RSS/Atom fee... oh wait you already have them. :P