Well, to anyone who still checks this poor excuse for a blog: kudos on your faithfulness! Your reward shall be a gem gleaned from the journals of George Whitefield, which I am reading for a paper on the Great Awakening.
I now began, like them [the early Methodists], to live by rule, and to pick up the very fragments of my time, that not a moment of it might be lost. Whether I ate or drank, or whatsoever I did, I endeavored to do all to the glory of God. Like them, having no weekly sacrament, although the Rubric required it, at our own college, I received every Sunday at Christ Church. I joined with them in keeping the stations by fasting Wednesdays and Fridays and left no means unused, which I thought would lead me nearer to Jesus Christ.
Left no means unused, which I thought would led me nearer to Jesus Christ. What a glorious thing to be able to say about one's own life! Friend do what you can today to draw nearer to the Lord Jesus Christ, redeem the time.